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Specializing in Couples and Sex Therapy
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Quite frequently in sessions with couples, we discover that there is a cycle present that is quite damaging to the relationship. This is one of competition or the need to be “right” at all costs. Many times these couples feel that having their point of view accepted as truth is more important than resolving an…
It’s 2017 and for many that might mean opening up a new chapter in your life by trying to have a baby. Prior to now, you may have been on a birth control that used estrogen and/or progesterone to help you maintain your cycle and prevent pregnancies. Upon going off birth control, your body now…
If you have any further questions about this topic or to schedule a session with one of our clinicians, please CONTACT US. Never miss a new blog post! Sign-up for our NEWSLETTER on our homepage.
Well folks, we’re halfway through December, which means one thing – ‘tis the season to be jolly! Of course, life is hard, and we may have had our share of troubles throughout the year, but the holidays are a time when we open up our hearts to hope and happiness. That’s the magic of the…
Twelve Days of Holiday Sex Moves The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is officially underway. This can often be a busy and stressful time for many couples, especially those who have children. With the pre-occupations of getting everyone’s gifts on time and figuring out where to spend the holidays, it can be difficult for…
The Five Love Languages What is more important? A: To make sure you show your partner how much you love them. Or B: To make sure your partner feels loved by you. Sounds basically like the same thing, doesn’t it? The subtle difference between the two options above can make a world of a difference.…
When is it time for sex therapy? In my practice, I often have potential clients emailing me to determine if they are a candidate for sex therapy. Maybe they are experiencing sexual difficulties but see those as secondary to other relationship problems. Some clients are concerned that, in sex therapy, all we will discuss is…
Showing Fondness & Admiration on Thanksgiving With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the warm fuzzy feelings of the holidays start to settle in and we start thinking of the people in our lives that we’re most grateful for. Whether it’s a grand gesture of taking care of the kids and doing chores around the house,…
Conscious Couple Time It can be extremely difficult sometimes to find time to connect with your partner during the week when you factor in work, children, pets, working out, and other responsibilities. Most couples try their best to carve out time during the weekend to get in a good quality date night to make up…