Expectations. We all have them. Expectations of ourselves, expectations of our partner, our kids, our family members, our friends, our job, and the list goes on. But what happens when reality does not live up to the expectations we have set up in our minds. Many will feel disappointment, anger, sadness or shame to name a few. They may even place blame on the others. This is also why many are not able to achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Statistics show that after 6 months only about 46% of those who set resolutions are still maintaining them and by the end of the year about 8% have accomplished their resolution.
However, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t make resolutions because actually making the resolution in the first place puts you at an advantage to be more successful than those who do not. The key to a higher chance of success is setting realistic resolutions, being mindful about your goals and continuing to tap in to your motivation for wanting to make the change in the first place. For example, if you are trying to lose weight: set realistic goals, smaller weight loss, maintaining a healthy diet, or working out a few times a week versus setting too high of a weight loss goal, cutting out everything all at once or planning on working out an hour every day. This is too much change for your mind and body to make all at once. Be mindful of what it feels like when you aren’t sticking to your resolution and what it feels like when you are. These feelings can be key to keeping you motivated to stay on track. Take note of when you usually get hungry and hoe you emotionally and physically react to that hunger. You are not trying to starve yourself.
Finally, allow room to make mistakes. You are human and you are imperfect. Don’t shy away from making resolutions and don’t give up on your goals. Remember you can do it!
If you have any further questions about this topic or to schedule a session with one of our clinicians, please CONTACT US.
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