Getting Intimate with Dr. Viviana | The Pour Horsemen Podcast

For more tips, tricks, and helpful relationship insights from Dr. Viviana Coles, subscribe to her email list at Houston’s Relationship Therapist, TV Therapist, Couples Therapy Houston, Houston Sex Therapy, Couples Counseling #love #dating #relationships #couples #doctorviviana #houstonrelationshiptherapy #vividrelationships #pourhorsemen #4intimacystyles #thepourhorseman

Dr. Viviana Coles, Relationship & Sex Therapist and Licensed Psychotherapist | Living the Authentic Life Podcast

Our first episode of 2024 is with the world-renowned Dr. Viviana Coles, Relationship & Sex Therapist and Licensed Psychotherapist. Dr. Viviana was featured as an expert on seasons 9-14 of hit show “Married at First Sight” and is currently Fox Houston’s Intimacy Expert. Bringing her incredible expertise, Rob and Donae sit down with her to…

Dr. Viviana Coles On Long Distance Dating, Scheduling Intimacy & Prenups | Digital Social Hour Podcast with Sean Kelly

On today’s episode of Digital Social Hour, Dr Viviana Coles reveals her thoughts on prenups, effective communication strategies in relationships and why only 10-20% of women achieve climax through intercourse. LISTEN ON: Apple Podcasts:… Spotify Episode HERE Get my book at Check out my program The Dr. Viviana Method™ for Intimate Reconnection at…

Slay the Post Holiday Blues with Dr. Viviana Coles from Married at First Sight | LovePod Podcast

We miss her on our screens, but we love to hear her sing. None other than our favorite intimacy therapist formerly of Married at First Sight and Christmas belle Dr. Viviana Coles joined us to talk about her hit holiday single, Slay Bells. Just when you thought you’ve seen Dr. Viviana do it all, she…

Doctor Viviana talks Intimacy…keeping your relationship spicy, finding your style, date nights, and advice for single people | Holly Cotton Conversations Podcast

In this episode, host Holly Cotton and relationship expert Dr. Viviana Coles talk intimacy. Dr. Viviana’s book “The 4 Intimacy Styles” explores how to keep your relationship fulfilled by learning and meeting your partner’s style. We discuss finding intimacy as a single person, finding ways to talk to your partner and of course laughs! Dr.…

Dr. Viviana talks Intimacy | Naked Folk Podcast

What defines intimacy? What makes for lasting intimacy in relationships? How can couples stay active in their connection, growth and long-term happiness? In this week’s episode, I had the pleasure of talking to @doctorviviana — who you may know from her time as a matchmaker on Married at First Sight — and her work as America’s…

Confident in Love with Dr. Viviana Coles | What’s Your Story? Podcast

Matt Story | 8/20/2023 Listen to the Full Episode HERE Since she was a little girl, Dr. Viviana Coles has always had her superpower of being confident. She combined that with a curiosity for psychology, sociology and eventually intimacy to become nationally recognized marriage and sex therapist that was featured on the hit show Married…

Episode 3: Power of Influence (Podcast with America’s Love Expert, Dr.Viviana Coles)

In the third episode of Influence Series, Professor P goes over the book “The Five Love Languages” by Dr.Gary Chapman and have Dr.Viviana Coles as as well as two of his students, Kimmeshri Harrichan and Liana Pogosyan, as his special guests. <iframe allow=”autoplay” width=”100%” height=”300″ src=”” frameborder=”0″></iframe> LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE HERE For more…

America’s Intimacy Expert Dr. Viviana Coles | REALationships Podcast

LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE HERE REALationships Podcast with Devon & Asha Still | Full Episodes In this enlightening episode, we talk to “America’s Intimacy Expert” Dr. Viviana Coles about the often challenging and sensitive topic of overcoming a sexless marriage. We explore the underlying causes, potential solutions, and empowering strategies to rebuild intimacy and…