
Where did PRIDE Come From?

Where did PRIDE Come From? Over the past 46 years, annual gay pride parades have become tradition in dozens of cities worldwide. They have evolved from radical marches into festive parades with elaborate floats and notable participants, including politicians and well-known entertainers. In most cities, the parades are part of a larger celebration known as…

Dr. Viviana Coles – Is online streaming killing your sex life?

TEXAS NEWS Research: Online streaming killing couples’ sex lives  posted by iHeartMedia’s Audrey Morton @audballTX for @KTRHnews – New research finds that couples are watching programs together in bed, rather than being romantic.Lancaster University UK researchers found online streaming is busiest between 10 and 11 p.m.Marriage, family and sex therapist Dr. Viviana Coles does find it interesting…

Dr. Viviana’s Spring Reading

Dr. Viviana Coles is always on the hunt for interesting articles about relationships, sex, and love. She does the digging so you don’t have to.  Here are some of her favorite articles featured on HuffPost. How Often You Should be Having Sex, According to Sex Therapists– Many people find themselves asking “Is my sex life with my…

Dealing with Infertility

Dealing with Infertility The day has come- you’ve been trying and fretting for months, maybe even years, results are in and you have received a diagnosis. Maybe it’s PCOS, anovulation, endometriosis, or even unexplained, but the result is the same, infertility. So now what? First of all, let’s be clear, infertility does not necessarily mean…